Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Kajal Donovan
Saturday, January 5, 2008
I am currently studying in pune and I was a member of the Trivandrum library for 10 years.I believe that closing down the British library is a highly deplorable. The world is becoming increasingly insular and combative, where there is general distrust among humans and intolerance among different groups and makes us suspect if we are going back to an era which we all thought human civilasation had passed through. You might think what is this got to do with retaining a library. And i say, libraries are the main windows to tolerance and a healthier outlook. I feel if people knew more about each other, hatred will give way to sympathetic understanding and we can all move towards an age where we spend our energies on more creative things.
If the British library is closed down, it means
1. our interaction with the outside european world diminishes considerably.
2. Students' access to information is cut down
3. The mere pleasure of reading is confiscated from readers.
I greatly appreciate the efforts that are being done. I hope this succeeds. In times of despair, I tend to be fatalistic about the whole thing. But that is not what we need. We need hope. Our hope should be equal to the task. I personally feel libraries are the first step towards a healthier and a happier world.
If i may offer a few suggestions,
I think media coverage would help the cause. Probably, some big international intellectual personality might help as well. (someone like arundhati roy)
GK Krishnaswamy
the library: we are devastated. Almost the very first thing we brothers do, when we arrive in Trivandrum, is to head for the British library. In our lives the British library ranks next only to the Padmanabha Swamy temple.
I don't know how successful your effort at persuading the authorities to retain the library will be. But if there is anything we can do, please let us know. KS.
Lekshmy Bose
I am a non resident as of now. But remember using the library to find books which could not be found elsewhere.
Asha TJ
Most of my dreams about my children's future were based on this library. Now the future seems to be bleak. I had proudly told my kids that I had been a member long ago.
Please do not close our library, our treasure trove,
May God hear our prayers
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Respected Sir,
I am a sixth standard student of St.Mary’ s Central School, Mudavanmugal, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram.
For the last two years I am a classic member in British Library. Since the vacation of 4th standard, I have been a regular reader and fan of Wonder Land. I have read about 200 books from your library and I am simply attached to those books .The language, grammar and humour of those books made me more imaginative. My language and grammar improved-so did my imagination. I believe that no other library in Thiruvananthapuram could provide such books like these. I have learned about the tradition and culture of various places from your books. My General knowledge also improved. After being a member of your library I started to get the highest mark in English. I believed that one day I’d read all the books in Wonderland. Many of my friends took membership in this library because I did. I even started to write stories after I started reading! I have noted the names of all the books, which I’ve read (with their authors). My sister said that when she is as old as me, she would read all the books I have read.
Then one day I heard this shocking news that the library is going to close down! I was grief-stricken about this. Besides me, thousands of people have memberships in your library for many years. This is a disappointing news for all of them. Libraries like yours give children like me a lot of information and fun. Being the only one British library in this area I humbly request your good self not to close the library.
It is a small, kind request in one voice by all of the Malayalees in this State. I hope you will take a favorable action for this.
Thanking You
Yours faithfully
Nandana Nair.K.S
(Membership No: MTR63237)
D/o Sarada devi.UDavid Blackie
Abraham Joseph
Dr Aveek
Dr Harish
I am Dr. Harish, a psychiatrist working in Parassala. I am a former student of Prof. Vijayakumar and he sent this url to me. I will do what I can to help, physically, monetarily or any other means possible. I didn't know about your meetings or I would have attended. Anyway, I saw a brief report about the meeting on ACV, which seemed to suggest some sort of conspiracy was afoot.
Thanks for organising this and let us hope that we will be able to make a difference