Thursday, January 3, 2008

Abraham Joseph

His Excellency The British High Commissioner to India
British Embassy.
Subj: Union jack flying half mast
Today is the saddest day in my life. The morning news papers gave the story that British council library at Trivandrum is to be closed on 31.3.2008. For the last 50 years I had depended on British establishment to provide me books of high quality for satisfying my quest for knowledge. I can see union jack flying half mast. Britishers left in 1947.This is what we wanted. We never wanted their library to move out. Today India is India thanks to the English language. A long as English is with us, we will remember you withy fond gratitude.
I became a member of the British Library in 1958, when I joined C.P.W.D at N.Delhi. I was staying at 54 Ashoka road and AIFACS was next door. Until 1964 I enjoyed reading British books and Magazines.
In 1964 I moved to Margaretha in Assam. Assam Tea Company had a good library British decency allowed me to take borrow from their library which surprisingly contained some of the latest books.
In 1969 I proceed to Nepal near Birathnagar. There was British pension office at Dharan. Surprisingly a British Council Library was there too. I could use this facility to get my books.
I came back to Delhi in 1974 and I again joined the British library.
In 1976 I proceeded to spent 5 long years under the joyless combination of Communism and Islam under Col: Gadaffi’s Libya. Fortunately there was a British public School at Tripoly catering for the employees of the oil company. Thanks to British charity and British decency I could use their Library to get some of the latest books.
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Back at Trivandrum in 1981 I have been using the British Library for the last 27 years.
It is sad that England has become poor. Rise in oil prices is playing havoc. Good old days can never come back. I can see union jack flying half mast. The sun has started setting on the British empire. I can see darkness everywhere The day is not far of when our national flag will also have to fly half mast.
Yours Sincerely,
Abraham Joseph
Copy to: Mr M.A. Baby Hon. Minister for Education Govt of Kerala Trivandrum

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